الخميس، 25 يوليو 2013

قم باللحصول على صندوق هدايا مجانا يصل الى بيتك

                                       أضغط هنا

                                                                                                         :محتويات الصندوق
  • Posters and color maps
  • Bookmarks
  • A Reader's Guide to The Hero's Trail by Dr. Kylene Beers
  • A Reader's Guide to The Lost Years of Merlin by Sally Estes
  • Discussion Guide on The Heartlight Saga by Dr. Kylene Beers
  • Articles from ALA Book LinksSchool Library JournalParents Magazine, and other publications
  • Inspirational Quotations from The Hero's Trail
  • Weekly Reader's play of The Ancient One 
  • Author Documentary DVD
  • Whatever surprises my kids might sneak into your box!

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